You must notify HM Revenue and Customs if you decide to leave the UK.
You must inform HMRC if:
- Išvykstate iš UK gyventi ar dirbti į užsienį;
- Grįžtate gyventi į gimtąją šalį arba išvažiuojate gyventi ir dirbti į kitą užsienio šalį tam tikrą laiką gyvenę ir dirbę UK.
If you were not self-employed and do not have to file an annual tax return for the previous financial year, but were employed, you may need to completeLeaving the UK – getting your tax right form.
You must also complete annual tax returns if:
- Dirbote laisvai samdomu darbuotoju (self-employed) – privalote pateikti savo pajamas už paskutinius finansinius metus iki išvykimo dienos;
- Gaunate kitokias pajamas iš UK ar turite turto ( nuosavybės ar investicijų) išvykę iš UK.
HMRC will review the information you have provided in the completed form and inform you whether you can get your taxes back if you have overpaid them. It is very important to add the P45 form to the completed form, which is issued by the employer after terminating the employment relationship with the employee. Originals must be attached, copies will not be accepted
Please note that you cannot get back your National Insurance Contributions.
If you decide to apply for a UK state pension in the future or decide to return to live in England, you should consider paying social security contributions voluntarily.
These voluntary contributions will also count towards your state pension even if you live in another country, not necessarily the UK, but you must check whether that country has concluded a social security agreement with England. These payments will also affect your benefits if you decide to return to live in the UK.
If you have decided to pay voluntary National Insurance Contributions while living outside the UK, you must meet certain criteria:
- turite būti gyvenęs UK trejus metus;
- išvykę iš UK mokėjote socialinio draudimo įmokas trejus ar daugiau metų.
You can pay voluntary National Insurance contributions in two ways:
- tiesioginiu debetu kas keturias ar penkias savaites;
- metine įmoka.
For more about tax refunds and tax declarations, see: Tax refunds in the UK.