Employed individuals, just like those self-employed, must also not forget to look after their tax obligations and make sure they have no underpayments or overpayments. Sometimes the employer may use the wrong tax codes in regards to your employment and your tax bill may increase. This is also often the case for those who are in several employments. In this situation, you may be eligible for a tax rebate, if for example, you leave the country permanently.
Since 2006 IB Service provides a tax refund service as a registered agent for HM Revenue and Customs, so if you provide the correct data we can guarantee that your refund will be processed in the shortest possible time. We will make sure that despite the frequently changing procedures at HMRC, you will still receive the entire amount you are eligible to even if you do not have a local bank account. We provide this service remotely as well.
If you wish to know whether you have overpaid your income tax, you can provide us with copies of your P45 or P60 PAYE certificates for the last four tax years by e-mail or via client zone on our website. You can do so by creating your personal profile and we shall provide you with a free consultation regarding the eligible amount and will answer any other questions you may have. Also, while visiting this website you can make use of our tax calculator. If you wish, you can start the return process simply and quickly by filling out our application form. After receiving the data, one of our specialists will contact you and, after clarifying your needs, will advise you on the next course of action.
You can choose how you will receive your Tax Refund. At the client’s request, we provide the option to indicate theTax Refund to be transferred either to the agent’s bank account or your preferred bank account. Even when you do not have all the required data, we as your representatives, can collect all the necessary information by contacting your employer or local tax office. We kindly invite you to contact us by e-mail or telephone.