If you live in the UK and would like to end your marriage but you don’t have time to travel to Lithuania for legal divorce proceedings – we can help you by providing a remote divorce service.
Being represented by our lawyers in Lithuania, means you will not have to leave the country – we will go through all the steps for you in the shortest time possible.
How long do divorce proceedings take?
Usually 2–6 months
How much does it cost?
£ 500 (w/o VAT), payment in installments is available.
What is included in the price?
The ordering of the key documents needed from state institutions, in order to prepare the divorce papers:
- The arranging of paperwork for court proceedings.
- The submission of documents to the court.
- The monitoring of the full process when the documents are in court, and the preparation of additional documents during the court process, if needed.
The issuance of divorce certificates is includedin the price.
What documents are needed for the divorce?
If the divorce takes place by mutual consent, both spouses agree on the amount of alimony, the marriage is registered in Lithuania, and there are no credit obligations (credit obligations are collected by bailiffs, various fines, etc.), the following documents are required:
- The original marriage certificate.
- Scanned colour copies of identification documents of both spouses.
- Scanned colour copies of birth certificates of the minors.
If you have credit obligations, it would cost extra to negotiate a divorce settlement.
If both of you have your permanent place of residence outside of Lithuania and have no property there, there is a small risk that the case might be declared extrajudicial in the Republic of Lithuania (but this has not yet happened in our experience).
Is it necessary to come to our office or be present at the court proceedings?
There is no necessity in that. We complete the entire process remotely.
Several ways of getting a divorce
Divorce by mutual consent
The cheapest and simplest way of divorce is the dissolution of marriage by mutual agreement of the spouses. This is possible when both spouses want to end the marriage and agree amicably on how they will divide the property and in what order they will take care of their children.
If you choose this divorce method, we will prepare a petition to the court for divorce and prepare an agreement stating the consequences of the divorce. The spouses will then only have to sign the documents and wait for the court’s decision from Lithuania.
If you agree to this way of divorcing, you will need to submit:
- The original marriage certificate;
- Copies of the children’s birth certificates.
If you do not have these documents or if they are lost, we can obtain duplicates for an additional fee.
When the divorce occurs due to the fault of the spouse
This method of divorce is more complex and takes longer. Such cases are dealt with by the law of the dispute, therefore a lawsuit rather than a request for divorce will have to be filed with the court. The content of the lawsuit must meet not only general but also special requirements.
You will have to submit:
- The original marriage certificate;
- Copies of the children’s birth certificates;
- Statements presenting income;
- Statements presenting assets;
- Information about creditors.
The reasons for the divorce will also need to be stated in the lawsuit. In certain cases, the court may recognize that the party’s participation in the hearing is necessary, therefore, when ruling on the fault of the spouse and proving the guilt of the spouse, it may be necessary to go to Lithuania to participate in the hearing.
The spouse is recognized as guilty of the dissolution of the marriage when it is recognized that they fundamentally violated their duties as a spouse, and precisely because of this, joint family life has become impossible. Such a violation is usually the main and fundamental reason and is unacceptable from both a legal and/or ethical standpoint.
However, it should be noted that such a violation will have to be proven. In such cases it often happens that while proving the guilt of one spouse, the “guilty” party actually proves the opposite. Therefore it is sometimes concluded that the marriage has ended by mutual guilt. If the court recognizes that the marriage has ended due to the fault of one of the spouses, the other spouse can claim compensation for non-pecuniary damages as well as compensation for material damages related to the divorce proceedings. Certainly, the size of the damages will also have to be proven.
Divorce at the request of one spouse
Divorce at the request of one spouse takes place via a simplified procedure, the so-called special law. These are cases where the spouses do not live together for more than a year and are legally separated, or the spouse is serving a sentence in a prison, or is recognized by the court as missing, or the spouse is recognized as incapable.
The most important thing about divorcing in this way is that the spouse who wants to divorce does not blame the other spouse for the divorce, but simply cannot, for various reasons, end the marriage by mutual consent and sign an agreement on the consequences of the divorce. Please note, that simple living separately can not be a basis to divorce in this way. Separation must be legally recognised by a court.
Legal consultation
Drafting of the court documents
Submission of the documents to the court
Monitoring of the process
Decree absolute (certificate of divorce)
The expected timeframe from 2 to 6 months.
£1200 *Terms and conditions apply
Legal consultation
Drafting of the court documents
Submission of the documents to the court
Monitoring of the process
Decree absolute (certificate of divorce)
Required mediation
Representation in court
The expected timeframe from 6 to 12 months