You have decided to return to Lithuania and leave the United Kingdom permanently and you do not know whether you can get back all the taxes you’ve paid? Let’s find out what the procedure is and what you will need to do.
If you have decided to leave the UK, you must find out if there are any changes to your tax bill and notify HM Revenue and Customs.
You must inform HMRC if:
- išvykstate iš JK gyventi ar dirbti į užsienį;
- grįžtate gyventi į gimtąją šalį arba išvažiuojate gyventi ir dirbti į kitą užsienio šalį tam tikrą laikotarpį gyvenę ir dirbę JK.
If you are employedand have decided to leave before the end of the current financial year, you will need to fill in the P85 form Leaving the UK – getting your tax right.You must attach the P45 form to the completed form, which is issued by the employer after terminating the employment relationship with the employee. Originals must be attached, copies will not be accepted.
HM Revenue and Customswill review the information you have provided in the completed form and inform you whether you can get a tax refund.
Below are the answers to the most frequantly asked questions on thistopic:
- Kas gali susigrąžinti mokesčius nepasibaigus finansiniams metams?
Almost anyone who has worked and paid incometaxin the United Kingdom and has decided to leave the country permanently or for an uncertain period of time, but not less than one financial year.
- Ar galiu susigrąžinti visus sumokėtus mokesčius?
UNFORTUNATELY, YOU CAN ONLY RECEIVE A REFUND FOR OVERPAID TAXES. This will depend on the amount of income you received and how much tax you have paid. If your earned income was below the tax-free minimum (£9,440 in the 2013-14 financial year, £10,000 in the 2014-15 financial year) and you still paid income tax, you can get that money back.
- Kaip galiu apsiskaičiuoti, kiek mokesčių susigrąžinsiu?
When you leave your job, your employer must give you a P45 form, which tells you how much you earned and how much tax was paid. You can use an online tax refund calculator or contact specialists who will help you calculate the amount of tax to be refunded.
- Ar įmanoma susigrąžinti mokesčius už praėjusius finansinius metus?
Yes, it is possible. Taxes can be reclaimed for the previous 4 years, but it is important to have all your P60 and P45 forms for the relevant financial year.
- Kada aš galiu prašyti grąžinti permokėtus mokesčius?
You can request a refund for overpaid taxes and fill in the P85 form as soon as you finish work and receive the P45 form from your employer.
- Ar galiu susigrąžinti ir socialinio draudimo įmokas (National Insurance Contributions) ?
You cannot get back National Insurance Contributions.